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San Diego Web Site Design Services (continued)

A good web designer's services should include:

Flash animations

Many award winning sites use Flash animations. If you wish to exploit this technology which allows exciting visuals with an audio soundtrack at low bandwidth, then your web site design provider should have the capability to do this for you.

Graphic design and creation

Once your web site designer has created graphics for use on your Web site, then feel free to use them in identifying your business. Who knows, the logo created for you may one day be as ubiquitous and as recognizable as McDonalds' Golden Arches. In that case they might have to charge a little extra....

Maximization of exposure

Having a site is one thing, but getting the world to come and see it is another. You can advise those you know that the site is there and that they can have a look at it, and maybe rely on word of mouth or advertising, but your area of influence is limited to those in your immediate area. Your site should be registered with search engines as that is how a lot of sites are found on the Web by people seeking products or services. And who knows, maybe the whole world can become your market. We recommend Better Search Engine Rank for the service of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What happens when your website design provider designs a site?

  1. Secure a deposit and sign an agreement to begin work on a project or schedule the project so that when the time comes, it has priority.
  2. Meeting with client to gather ideas and layout design concepts/page requirements. Collect materials from client for textual content, logos and photo scanning/insertion.
  3. Create prototype designs from the ideas gathered, posting them to the Internet in a location on a site for the client to review from their computer. Or your website design provider can e-mail the designs directly to the client. This prototype would normally be for the home page, plus one path of navigation down from that home page.
  4. Gain approval for the prototype, then proceed to create graphics and develop the other pages within the Web site.
  5. Add content to the pages.
  6. Check each page for errors.
  7. Have client review work and give them the opportunity to make any last minute changes.**
  8. Set up hosting and register/transfer domain name(s) as needed. Create and set up e-mail accounts if desired.
  9. Post final Web site work to the Internet
  10. Register the site with search engine

What technologies, characteristics and skills does a good web developer need?

Languages: HTML, Cascading Style Sheets. PERL / CGI scripting. JavaScript.
Tools: Dreamweaver. PhotoshopImageReady.Illustrator. Flash. Homesite. TopStyle Light. Acrobat . Netscape Navigator. Internet Explorer. Excel and Word. WS_FTP, CuteFTP and Telnet. ColdFusion. Estoremanager shopping cart facility.
DBMS: Oracle, SQL
Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows, UNIX.
Methodologies and personal attributes: Structured analysis, design and coding techniques.

Knowledge of user interface, cross browser, browser version and cross platform issues.

High motivation with the ability to work hard & effectively both in a team as well as individually.

Good consultancy, interpersonal and client service skills.

The ability to quickly acquire emerging technologies.

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